Videos for parents to learn about protecting their kids online
The good people at Covenant Eyes produced an excellent video resource last year titled Unfiltered. We have been getting the DVD version in the hands of parents and other educators so that they can be well informed about the challenges we face from the increase in the use of technology by young people and the availability of pornography.
Good news! The video Unfiltered can now be viewed online for free.
Another great video resource is also now available to watch at no cost. CMG Connect Parents is an 18-minute video that shows parents how to address the issue of device use (computer, phone, iPod, etc.).
The video with parent's guide can still be obtained at minimal cost by contacting the Family Life Office. That version is very helpful for playing at informal gatherings of parents. You may have made your home safe, but if your kids spend time at other homes your efforts may be largely ineffective if those homes remain unfiltered. Please contact us if we can help you spread this message among your friends, your kid's friends and your neighbors.
Originally posted on the My House blog. Used with permission.