Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning
Being aware of one's fertility empowers women's health decisions and helps spouses make moral decisions regarding fertility, how to deal with infertility, and the great gift of children.
Several organizations have instructors serving in Kansas City and St. Joseph.
Please choose a fertility awareness method from the tabs below to view the contact information of instructors certified in that method.
Learn A Fertility Awareness Method
The Creighton Model (CrM) relies on observations and charting of changes cervical mucus to identify fertile and infertile times of a woman's cycle.
Fertility Care of Kansas City
offers instruction in the Creighton Model and has affiliated doctors who use NaPro technology to assist those with infertility.They offer instruction to women of all ages including those preparing for marriage and offer education programs and instruction for girls who have begun to menstruate. Information is also available en Español.
Creighton Model Instructor Lizzie Accurso RN,BSN,FCP
Lizzie provides women and couples with a through understading of their fetility to empower them to make informed decisions about their reproductive and gynecological health trhough instruction in the Creighton Model.
Courses and prices:
Introductory Session plus initial charting materials and handbook, $80.
Subsequent follow ups, $40 each. (A minimum of 4 follow ups is required to be proficient in this system, the Creighton Model recommends 8 follow ups in a year).
Cell: 913.940.2975 (call or text)
Email: [email protected]
FEMM is a comprehensive women’s health and wellness program for optimal reproductive health that helps women learn how to identify daily hormonal shifts to achieve their health and fertility goals.
FEMM Model Instructor Juli Schneider
Juli is a Fiat Institute-trained Hormone Coach and a FEMM Charting Instructor. She is passionate about giving women the education they deserve to understand their unique feminine design. From teaching the basics of cycle tracking to navigating hormone imbalance, she has you covered.
Book a free 20-minute consultation if you have questions or want to learn more!
Visit www.empoweryoufertility.com
Email: [email protected]
FEMM Charting services:
- Monthly virtual intro classes - $25/couple or individual (intro class participants receive a discount on the FEMM Beginner program).
- FEMM Beginner program - 4 months of instruction, $60/mo. (Includes 3 educational sessions and 3 chart reviews).
- Subsequent chart reviews, $25.
- Other services available upon request: Digital chart reviews & Postpartum charting services.
The Marquette Model uses urine fertility biomarkers collected at home using the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor to measure hormone levels. These biomarkers can be used in conjunction with cervical mucus or basal body temperature to confidently determine the woman’s fertile window.
Molly Price, APRN
Molly is a Family Nurse Practitioner with years of experience working with fertility-related issues and teaching fertility awareness. As a Board Certified Marquette Method instructor, she teaches group sessions at Saint Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood, Kansas. These sessions satisfy marriage preparation requirements for both Kansas and Missouri. She also meets with clients individually, both virtually and at Saint Michael the Archangel.
Please email [email protected] to set up an individual session, or register for group classes at Natural Family Planning - St. Michael the Archangel Parish - Leawood, KS.
Restorative Reproductive Community Education Class 
Join Patrick R. Herrick, MD, PhD, and Annie Courtney, PA-C, to learn about methods to assist with Natural Family Planning (NFP).
This one-hour session will cover topics such as the Marquette Method, an approach to assist NFP that uses fertility monitors (at home, daily) for a simple urine test to measure and track hormone levels in urine – specifically estrogen and luteinizing hormone.
As a member of the Fertility Appreciation Collaborative
to Teach the Science, Dr. Herrick has extensive experience with every natural family planning method.
Annie Courtney is a physician assistant certified in The Marquette Method Lite instructor and works alongside Dr. Patrick Herrick.
The Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) uses observations of cervical mucus, basal body temperature (waking temperature) and other biological signs (e.g., changes in the cervix) in order to identify the fertile and infertile times of a woman's cycle.
The Couple to Couple League
offers instruction in Natural Family Planning for the engaged and married. Couple to Couple now offers an introductory course for the engaged to learn NFP as part of their marriage preparation process! The cost to attend an introductory session is $35, which can be applied toward registration for the standard live course if the couple chooses to continue.
To register for the introductory course, please contact:
Christina Paoletti: [email protected]
Alison & Allen Greenlief:[email protected].
In addition to the standard live course (offered both locally and virtually), they also offer a self-paced online course, and classes for postpartum, and premenopause. Courses available en Español.
Online NFP Courses through CCLI (All available Live-online or Self-paced online)
Main NFP Series
This is the basic class to learn fertility awareness using CCL's Symptothermal method of Natural Family Planing. Learn to observe and register your fertility signs. This class provides valuable information, hands-on practice and support for your practice.
Postpartum Class
How does practicing NFP change during the postpartum time? What effect does baby feeding have on the return of fertility? Learn this and more in our Postpartum class. This is a supplemental class to the Main NFP series, thus knowledge of CCL’s method is a prerequisite.
Premenopause Class
As your fertile years wind down your fertility signs change and can be confusing. The Premenopause class is designed to help you confidently navigate this transition. This class builds on the information taught in the Main NFP series.
You can start your class right away: https://register.ccli.org/
What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?
[description of NFP from the USCCB resource page]
The Catholic Church supports the methods of Natural Family Planning (NFP) because they respect God's design for married love. In fact, NFP represents the only authentic approach to family planning available to husbands and wives because these methods can be used to both attempt or avoid pregnancy. When learning about NFP, it is important to know that:
- Natural Family Planning is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Couples using NFP to avoid pregnancy abstain from intercourse and genital contact during the fertile phase of the woman's cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy.
- NFP reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife.
Please visit the USCCB page on Catholic Teaching for a master list of teaching documents on NFP.
Please visit the pages on our website to learn more about discernment and Natural Family Planning use and the difference between NFP and contraception.
Looking for an NFP only doctor? Use the search at One More Soul.