Help for your Marriage
Designed to assist couples in re-establishing communication and insights to their marital relationship, the process is neither counseling, a spiritual retreat, seminar or sensitivity group. Retrouvaille is a process that leads to a healing of relationships for couples either contemplating a divorce or already have divorced and hope to reconcile differences. For more information visit the KC page on their national website, or their local website.
To register confidentially, please call (816) 505-0510.
Catholic Counselors and Therapists
Catholic Counselors recommendation listing compiled by the Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS.
For a low or no cost counselor, those in need may contact their parish priest or deacon for a reference to a counselor affiliated with Catholic Charities who may be able to assist you.
CatholicTherapists.com provides a great reference for Catholic marriage counselors. There are four local Missouri counselors currently on their list: Michael Ciaccio, Chris Ellman, Mark Martinez, and Julia Kovac.
The Center for Healing includes Michael Ciaccio and Chris Ellman on their staff.
Marriage Enrichment
For more information about opportunities to enrich your marriage visit strengthen your marriage.
Growing in Love & One in Christ
This parish-based marriage enrichment provides an excellent opportunity to touch the lives of married couples.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
A weekend experience for married couples interested in strengthening their relationship.
Date Night
Monthly offering (most months) from the local apostolate School of Love. Join them for a short talk, prayer and chance to meet new people, then take their great discussion questions with you for the rest of your evening on the town or at home.
The Choice Wine
Produced by Paradisus Dei - creators of the That Man Is You men's program - The Choice Wine is a nine week, interactive, multimedia program hosted by parishes.