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Marriage and Family Life Office
Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph, Missouri
Contact Us
(816) 714-2373
[email protected]
Marriage Preparation: 7 Steps
God's Plan for a Thriving Marriage
Catholic Engaged Encounter/Lead Couple Sessions
Fertility Awareness & Natural Family Planning
Freedom & Healing from Pornography
Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Infertility and Women's Health
NFP vs. Contraception
What about overpopulation?
Discerning Openness to Children
Strengthen your Marriage
Domestic Church Movement
Marriage Encounter
The Choice Wine
School of Love
Help for your Marriage
Lead Couple Ministry
Growing in Love/One in Christ
Catholic Doctors and Services
Family Life and Children
Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Infertility and Women's Health
Discerning Openness to Children
Frantic Family Workshops
Infant loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, perinatal hospice
Domestic Church Movement
Media Use
Nurturing Your Child's Vocation
Freedom from Pornography
Freedom through Support and Healing
Learn about the Problem of Pornography
Protect Your Family
Chastity Education
Catholic Sexuality [external site]
Truth & Meaning of Human Sexuality
Resources to Educate Children
Courage & EnCourage
Separated, Divorced, Widowed
Divorced. Catholic. Now What?
Beginning Experience
Troubled Marriage Support
Adult and Child Grief Support
Financial Freedom
Sacred Heart Devotion
Heart of the Redeemer
For Women
For Men
For Clergy
Domestic Church Movement: A JPII Family Apostolate
Resources for Pastors & Parish Staff
Safe Haven Sunday
Suicide Presentation
Catholic Counselors and Therapists
Marriage Preparation Materials for Parishes
Marriage Policy Guidelines for Parishes
Grief/Loss Support
Courage and EnCourage
Infertility Support
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Support for Sexual Addiction
Create in Me a Clean Heart
Learn about the Problem of Pornograpghy
Youth & Young Adult Addiction Support
Meaningful Marriage Mentor Couple Survey: Part Two
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Have you completed your last two meetings with your newlywed couple?
Yes, we have!
No, not yet.
Please wait until you have completed your fourth meeting to answer this survey.
Thank you!
What parish do you attend?
How many years have you been married?
Were you invited to be a parish mentor couple by your newlywed couple or by your parish?
Would you consider serving as a parish mentor couple again? Why or why not?
Do you have plans to continue getting together with your newlywed couple now that you have completed your Meaningful Marriage Meetings? Why or why not?
What setting did you choose for your double date meeting? Did this setting facilitate good conversation? Would you recommend it to others as a setting for this exercise?
Tell us a little about the most fruitful conversation you had with your couple in the course of these four meetings.
Did you notice any fruits for your own marriage during the course of these meetings? If so, can you share a little about this?
Do you have any suggestions for a topic not currently addressed in these meetings?
In what ways would you like to be supported in your own marriage? Would you consider attending a retreat for married couples?
Do you have any questions or anything else you would like to share?
Please be sure to include your email address in the response if you would like us to reply!
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