Be A Saint
Catholic Women's Conference
Saturday, December 8, 2018 - 8:00am to 12:00pm
St. Andrew the Apostle Parish: 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone, MO 64119
8:00 am Mass: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9:00 am Speaker: Charlotte Ostermannl, Catholic author and speaker, speaking about interior freedom
10:00 am Break
10:30 am Speaker: Sister Regina, speaking on beauty, femininity, and Our Lady
11:45 am Wrap Up and Personal Reflection
REGISTRATION: please visit
QUESTIONS: please email [email protected]
Women must be 18 years or older to attend
$20 per person, if registered by November 30
$25 at the door (if seating is still available)
Religious are exempt from the fee, but please register to ensure seating